Exercise Safety

Consult Your Doctor If You

  • are over 35, or if you've not been exercising regularly
  • are uncertain of your health
  • have medical problems like heart disease, asthma, fits
  • are very overweight.
Choose a Programme Suitable to You
  • health status
  • fitness level
  • abilities
  • time schedule
Dress Appropriately
  • in light, loose, porous clothing
  • use comfortable, well-cushioned shoes
  • avoid rubberised or plastic suits, sweat shirts or sweat pants
Do Not
  • exercise when feeling unwell or if you have pain in your joints, feet, legs.
  • exercise within 2 hours after a heavy meal.
  • exercise when the weather is very hot, choose cooler part of the day.
  • do vigorous exercise within 2 weeks of a viral infection.
  • take a very hot shower or sauna immediately after exercising. Wait awhile, or take a cool shower.
Other Safety Tips
  • Always warm up to prevent aches and pains later.
  • Cool down by walking or doing stretches to avoid dizziness or feeling sick.
  • Always begin slowly and gradually build up.
  • If you're just beginning to exercise, start with 4-6 weeks of low intensity exercises first.
  • Drink some water before, during and after exercise to replace water loss. This is especially important on hot days.
  • Stop immediately if you feel chest, neck or arm pain, extreme tiredness, breathlessness or giddiness. Consult a doctor if resting doesn't help.
  • Give your body a day or two off after strenuous exercise.
  • Take the TALK test. If you're too breatheless to talk, slow down.

Exercise Injuries

Apply The Rice Treatment
R REST the injured part.
I Put ICE on the affected part for 15-20 minutes.
C Apply a COMPRESSION bandage.
E ELEVATE the injured part to heart level to minimise swelling.

Do not massage or apply heat to injured part in the first 24 hours. If there is bleeding, apply pressure with a clean cloth. Any doubts about your injury - see a doctor.